mia kulpa

July 3, 2007

Eight Random Facts

Filed under: Humour,Life,Memes,Philosophy,Random — mia kulpa @ 4:59 pm

I’m cheating with this because nobody has actually tagged me, but I saw this meme today on cragar’s blog and thought I’d play anyway.

I can’t strictly follow the rules since I still don’t know eight people here I can tag, but here goes…

  1.  I’m an only child.
  2.  I’m left-handed.
  3.  I’m deathly afraid of spiders.
  4.  I love going out for a run at sunrise.
  5.  I’m a vegetarian.
  6.  I have never been on a rollercoaster.
  7.  I have a decidedly warped and twisted sense of humour.
  8.  I have no idea who my father is/was.

And now I will tag Taliesin and Mudhooks and hope they will still speak to me afterwards.  🙂

June 30, 2007


A couple of friends have started blogs here on WordPress so I thought I would too. Now I just have to figure out what I want to do here.

If you are passing through please stop awhile and say hello.

The various categories I’ve listed here should give you an idea of my personal interests.


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